Create a launchpad

Step 1: Verify Token

1. Connect your wallet.

2. Go to launchpad app

3. Input your token address, if you already have one, or create a new token for the Launchpad.

4. Select PLS or Dai.

5. Select a fee choice.

6. After selecting, the token address will be shown and you can click on “Approve”.

Step 2: Launchpad Settings

After verifying your token, you need to input the Launchpad information that you want to raise. Here are some important parameters to follow:

1. You must use positive numbers when imputing participant numbers.

2. Presale rate means shows how many tokens they will receive during the IDO stage.

3. Whitelist: Choose "Enable" if you have a whitelist of presale contributors. You can enable/disable the whitelist anytime.

4. Soft cap must be greater than or equal to 50% of the hard cap.

5. For refund types you can choose refund or burn from the dropdown list.

6. PulseX liquidity (%): Enter the percentage of raised funds that should be allocated to liquidity on PulseX. Minimum value is 51%, maximum value is 100%.

7. PulseX listing rate is the initial rate of the liquidity pool Eg: (1 PLS = x tokens). This rate is usually lower than the presale rate to allow a higher listing price on PulseX.

8. Start time must be before the end time.

9. Liquidity lockup (days): Lock-up time for liquidity pool, for example 30 days.

10. You can choose vesting contributor feature her.

You can check the total tokens needed to create the IDO pool (shown above the Back/Next buttons).

Step 3: Add Additional Info

1. Logo URL and website are required fields, cannot be blank. You can’t complete this step without those.

2. Logo URL must end with a supported image extension: png, jpg, jpeg or gif.

3. Click Next after done inputting.

An example:

Step 4: Finish

You can review all the information one last time before submitting. Click “Submit” after you have made sure that everything is perfect, or you can go back to previous step to make any changes.

After clicking on “Submit”, MetaMask will now ask you to confirm the transaction. It will also show you the fee that you are required to pay for that transaction. If you agree, then click on the “Confirm” button to finish the process.

Once your launchpad is created you can access the incubator section to create a project rating and submit further documents to support your listing.

Last updated