Governance Programme

Vote for PulseFinity ecosystem changes and propose IDO listings. The governance programme is open only for PulseFinity holders who are in staking tiers Mega, Giga and Tera.

In order to make the suggestions more effective, we encourage all stakeholders to make proposals with their own voice. The governance program is open for all of you who are in our staking tiers: Mega, Giga and Tera. Vote on projects that you think will help us build a better prize-pooling ecosystem and create new possible ways of cooperation between us. Your voice is precious!

Key Features:

  • Create a Governance profile and interact with other users in shared chat spaces

  • Vote on polls regarding IDO listings, Eco-system changes and marketing initiatives

  • Access exclusive AMAs with IDO project developers

  • Take part in exclusive IDO airdrops

  • Create a investment portfolio which can be public or private for friends only. Users will be able to see your trades and have the ability to follow you. You will also be listed on the trading leader board for those that gained most in IDO projects. Users who are in the top 10 will be awarded monthly giveaways.

Last updated